The deeper meaning and application of Proverbs 22:6

In this episode, we take a deeper look into Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he won’t depart from it.” In my former traditional religious experience, I was taught that this meant things like teach your children a Bible study; teach them the ways of life, or teach them to pray. But NEVER, to teach them about WHO and WHAT they are born with according to Psalms 139: 13

Once we discover the depth and reality of what Psalms 139:13 teaches. What we discover is that WHO that we are born with is the Spirit of God. And the WHAT that we are v=born with is an inner-learning environment within our minds that Jesus referred to as “the kingdom of God” where we can experience God as our primary life-Educator.

Once we discover the deeper meanings of these verses of Scripture through definitive word study. What we discover is that the “child” of Proverbs 22:6 is “You” and the “he” of this key verse is your spirit-man, God’s Spirit within you. This is the type of education that we ALL should have received when we were younger, that unfortunately many of our parents didn’t offer us. And the reason that they didn’t teach us concerning this inner-reality is that it wasn’t taught them either. Thus generational ignorance (iniquity) concerning this reality is continually transferred from one generation to another.

But the good news is that no matter where we are in our lives, we can become reacquainted with this life-changing education that we should have received when we were younger for the purpose of experiencing God within us a Fathering, guiding, and teaching Spirit. In future episodes, I look forward to sharing with you how this can take place.

Video of this episode:

My life and spiritual journey

This is the first episode of my new “God in You’ podcast. In this episode, I share my life and spiritual journey to understand who I am, the reasons I started this podcast, and why I share the type of knowledge that I share.


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