The most important form of faith

The Bible describes faith in five different ways. In this episode, I share what they are and how to experience its most important and effective form, and its connection to “the unity of faith” and “full-grown man (perfect), to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” of Ephesians 4: 13-15.

Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

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Patreon Page: JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


How I get ALL of my prayers answered by God

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”.

In this episode, I share knowledge concerning how understanding the depth of 1John 5:14-15 changed my prayer style, and how I now get ALL of my prayers answered because of it through hearing and learning God’s will for every aspect of my life through meditation.

Youtube link for this episode:


My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States:

And they are also available around the world through Amazon.


If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


Patreon Page:…​

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


The limiting mindset and experience when believing and referring to the Bible as “the Word of God” and the difference between Logos and Rhema

We have all heard it in a sermon, read it in a theological book, or perhaps said it ourselves: “the Bible is the Word of God.” Interestingly, the Bible doesn’t make this claim about itself. Instead, it makes this claim about the Spirit of God that was in Jesus according to John 1:1.

Even if the Bible had dropped down out of the sky, or if God had emailed us the PDF directly, even if no humans were involved in writing, editing, compiling, and deciding on which documents to include (OT, NT). The Bible would only be a document but not the Word of God.

Paul tells us that all Scripture is “God-breathed,” but we almost always fail to experience the “the breath” of His speaking. It seems that we make a leap from Scripture being inspired, “God-breathed” as it states in 2 Timothy 3:16 to Scripture being this inerrant, perfect document, given to us from the very hand of God, without the possibility of humans altering its original content.

Though studying the Bible from definitive root word perspectives is immensely rewarding. The most important form of study that we can do in life is not Bible study. But more importantly, mind-study to locate God within it to experience the breath of His speaking and teaching.

When trying to locate God, search your mind first. This is the reason that Jesus plainly encourages us to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness for the kingdom of God is within you. I present to you a kingdom, just as My Father presented one upon Me” (Matthew 6:33; Luke 17:21, 22:29).

It’s important to remember that “the Word of God” is a Spirit that speaks and teaches. All humanity possesses “the Word of God.” Yet some experience it, and some don’t for different reasons.

So I am not saying the Bible is unimportant or to be marginalized. Quite the contrary.

I am saying that it is so important, so critical to the life of the church, the body of Christ, that we can only trust Jesus (the Spoken Word) to interpret it correctly for us. Any interpretation that does not begin and end with Jesus (the Spoken Word) is bound to go wrong. You can only understand the Word of God through the person named “The Word of God.”

The blog post which much more content regarding this topic:

Video of this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

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CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


The reason why the wisdom of God is personified as “she” and “her” in the Bible

In this episode, I share knowledge concerning why the wisdom of God is personified as “she” and “her” in the Bible and its connection to acquiring faith directly from God within your mind.

Video of this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


Patreon Page:

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Reason why most churches cannot or will not teach you how to hear God’s voice for your own life

In this episode, I share my perspectives and experiences as to why most churches fail to teach their followers how to hear the voice of God within their minds just like Jesus experienced it as a human being.

An older video concerning this topic can be found on my Youtube channel:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


Patreon Page:

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


How to discern the voice of God within our mind part 4

In this episode, I share knowledge concerning how I practice meditation and some of my experiences with God that I have had through meditation. And I also share some practical suggestions and techniques to help train your mind to experience the Spirit of God with your mind as a teaching Spirit for every facet of your life through the process of discernment.

Video of this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps: Paypal:

Patreon Page:

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


How to discern the voice of God within your mind part 3

In this episode:

– I describe meditation from its functional application

– Lessons that I’ve learned from God through meditation

– Suggested processes concerning how to meditate

– What will hinder your experience

– Scriptural proof that you are inherently equipped

– 21 clues that you are hearing from God


Video of this episode:


My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States:

And they are also available around the world through Amazon.


If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps: Paypal:

Patreon Page:

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


How to discern the voice of God within your mind part 2

In this episode, I review some of the more important points from the first episode concerning discerning God’s voice and some additional thoughts concerning the process.

Video of this episode:


My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.


If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


Patreon Page:

CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


How to discern the voice of God within your mind – Part 1

In this episode, we begin the journey to experience the voice/thought process of God as the inner-Educator to help us sort out (discern) our thought processes for the purposes of becoming the best version of ourselves according to the will of God.

We begin this educative experience by understanding five Hebraic words for the word “discern” and their function in the discernment process of hearing and learning from the Spirit of God within your mind.

1. Bene = offspring (male and female) One who has the ability to discern because they are an extension of God by virtue of having a spirit. 2. Nakar = studying the origin of your thoughts. The mental work of discernment. 3. Yada = the process of acquiring knowledge and vision from God because of your inner relationship and connectivity with God. 4. Shama = a careful hearing as well as responding appropriately in obedience or action. To experience doctrine/teaching inwardly. The educative experience of discernment 5. Miphlas = the inner ability to judge good and evil like God. The crucial God feature of discernment.

And I also share a different view from a Judaic perspective concerning experiencing the serpent, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, and their role in the discernment process.

The video file for the episode:


My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.


If you would like to financially support my ministry you can do so through my websites “Donate” button @ Or through any of the following financial apps: Paypal: Patreon Page: CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr Zelle:

The reasons why as children, we are raised with a spiritual learning disability

In this episode, I revisit Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is older he will not depart from it” and I share knowledge concerning its connection to Psalms 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin, my mother conceived me. Understanding the depth of these 2 verses gives clarity as to why from our youth, our minds have been conditioned to be disconnected from the inherent presence of the Spirit/Mind of God within our minds, which produces a spiritual learning disability and life-suffering/trauma. And also, why there is so much disorder, fear, uncertainty, evil, suffering in the Bible, and in the world today.

Video for this episode: