TTT – Module 1: Lesson 4 He awakens my ear to hear as the learned

In this episode, we begin to explore discernment and how God “awakens the ear to hear as the learned” through meditation (prayer). And how you can use your natural breathing as a teacher to teach your mind to experience God’s breath (voice/thoughts) as a teaching Spirit throughout your day for every area of your life.

Youtube video for this episode:

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JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

TTT – Module 1: Lesson 3 hallowed be your name

In this episode, we explore the words hallowed and name from the “hallowed be your name” portion of the prayer lesson that Jesus taught and how they relate to preparing your mind to discern and learn from God just like Jesus experienced it through His prayer life.

Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: They’re also available worldwide through Amazon.


If you would like to support my ministry financially, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

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Patreon Page:​ JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

TTT – Module 1: Lesson 2 Our Father who is in heaven (your breath and mind)

In this episode of my Teach The Teacher Meditation Course, we explore the “Our Father who is in heaven” portion of the prayer lesson Jesus taught and personally experienced. And how the word “heaven” is defined and related to your natural breath, and how you can use your breath as a guide to experience “the breath of life” (life-giving educational conversations with God).

Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: They’re also available worldwide through Amazon.


If you would like to support my ministry financially, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

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​CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

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Patreon Page:​ JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

TTT Module 1: Lesson 1 – Preparing your mind to discern and experience God’s inner school

This is the first episode/lesson of my new Teach The Teacher Meditation course.

In this episode, I share knowledge concerning:

– Finding your room/closet and setting it up as an educational space

– Beware of I.D.D. – practicing a discipline is experiencing a freedom

– A Key of Knowledge teaching related to the experience

– Suggestions to optimize your experience

We also take a deeper look into the phrases “who is in secret,” “who sees in secret,” and “shall reward you openly” that are recorded in Matthew 6:6 to discover what Jesus was teaching regarding the discernment process of prayer and the type of knowledge that you can expect from being schooled by God concerning your life.

“But you, when you pray, enter into your room/closet, and when you have shut thy door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly.”


Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: They’re also available worldwide through Amazon.


If you would like to support my ministry financially, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:​ JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

Teach The Teacher Meditation Course – Introduction, Purpose and Format

Practicing prayer should eventually evolve into educational experiences.

The original purpose that God created the human mind is to house His presence and to experience Him as a teaching Spirit for every aspect of your life through daily meditative prayer.

When Jesus experienced His daily prayer sessions, God was teaching a teacher.

We see this daily inner educational experience portrayed in Jesus’ prayer practice according to Isaiah 50:4 and Mark 1:35.

“He awakens Me morning by morning; He awakens My ear to hear as the learned.”

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place, and there He prayed.”

Some interesting questions to consider concerning His morning educational experiences are: How did He prepare His mind to experience these learning sessions? What was the curriculum of His learning? And where else within the Scriptures did He teach others to experience the same?

Within this introduction and subsequent episodes of my new Teach The Teacher Meditation Course, we explore biblical answers to these questions and learn the practical steps to teach our minds to also “hear as the learned.”


Youtube link for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: They’re also available worldwide through Amazon.


If you would like to support my ministry financially, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:
JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

The revelatory, medicinal, healing, understanding and maturing affect of forgiveness

According to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible, the word for “forgive” is “baton,” which is defined as “What makes someone whole, complete and mature.”

Continuing the theme of how to root out different forms of unnecessary suffering from our lives. An unwillingness to forgive ourselves and others can be one of the most toxic themes of consciousness that limit us from experiencing this level of wholeness and maturity.

In this episode, we explore the topic of forgiveness as Jesus experienced it and how He taught others to experience it by looking at the root word perspectives of the words: SAY; SINS; DEBTS; FORGIVE, and TRESPASSES to unlock its deeper perspective and application of the most potent and effective form of forgiveness possible.

YouTube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:
JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

Understanding Jeremiah 29:11 from a deeper and more impactful perspective

In the last episode, we discovered that life is FULL of suffering. Some suffering is inflicted upon our lives by others, knowingly and unknowingly. Some suffering we inflict upon ourselves, knowingly and unknowingly. And some of our life sufferings are assigned to our lives by God, knowingly.

In this episode, we continue to explore the theme of life-suffering, and its remedies, by taking a deeper look into the remedy-filled perspectives and application of Jeremiah 29:11.

In these key of knowledge verse, it teaches that God “thinks thoughts towards you.” You can’t get more “towards you” than experiencing His “thoughts” within your mind.

Within this verse, we discover some clues that you are hearing God concerning your unassigned and assigned (purposes) “sufferings” through thought-filled revelations, conversations, and visions concerning them by understanding the definitive root-word perspectives of the words; thoughts, peace, evil, and end.

Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:​ JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

The 3 primary portals of ALL of life’s sufferings

Why does God allow so much suffering to take place in this world?

Life is FULL of suffering. Some suffering is inflicted upon our lives by others, knowingly and unknowingly. Some suffering we inflict upon ourselves, knowingly and unknowingly. And some of our life sufferings are assigned to our lives by God, knowingly.

Many of us begin our lives on this earth suffering that started knowingly and unknowingly within our mother’s womb due to an absence of “inside information.” Understanding the deeper meaning of Psalms 51: 5 reveals this form of suffering: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

In this episode, I share my perspectives concerning these different forms of suffering and the remedy to rid ourselves of all forms of unnecessary and harmful sufferings from our life. And the process that is required to acquire knowledge from God concerning His assigned sufferings (purposes) for our life and how to fulfill them in the most effective way possible, just like Jesus experienced it as a human being.

And we also explore the eye-opening Scripture concerning why God allows so much unnecessary suffering to take place in this world.


Youtube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:
JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

Understanding the Garden of Eden from its allegorical and more constructive perspective – part 4

In episode one, we discovered that the Garden of Eden is an allegorical description of what Jesus called “the Kingdom of God” that is “within you.” This is the place within our minds where we experience the Spirit of God as a teaching Spirit, attentively through a meditative mindset, for every facet of our life.

The most important instruction given to Adam concerning caring for the Garden of Eden was to “dress it and keep it.” In this episode, we explore how Jesus (the second Adam) “dressed and kept” the inner Garden of His mind, and where within the Scriptures He taught this inner-mind maintenance principle. And through this process, we also explore how He experienced the constructive side of experiencing the devil/satan and how we can and must do the same if we truly want to root out all forms of “evil” (serpent influences) from our lives.

Youtube link for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:
JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry

Understanding the Garden of Eden from its allegorical and more constructive perspective – part 3

In this episode, we continue to explore the importance of understanding certain biblical stories (especially the Garden of Eden story) from their “dark sayings” (parables, allegories, mysteries, types, and shadows) perspectives and their ultimate purpose.

God has equipped every human being to experience four inherent voices (thought processes). They are the voice (thoughts) of God; the voice (thoughts) of reasoning; the voice (thoughts) of Self and the voice (thoughts) of Evil (chaos/confusion).

We find these four inherent thought processes as we explore the three dominant structures of the human brain that American Neuroscientist Paul Mclean discovered in the 1960s that typify three archetypes of biblical characters and mindsets found in the Garden of Eden story. They are Adam (the spiritual mind), Eve (the natural mind), and Serpent (the carnal mind).

This triune brain discovery reveals numerous aspects of our human existence, behavior, and thinking processes including why we have the inherent potential to experience “good knowledge.” This is experiencing functional-thinking through experiencing God as a teaching Spirit for all areas of your life, including how to discern as He does. And “knowledge of evil.” This is knowledge from God concerning anything that will cause you to experience chaos and/or confusion (evil), and the behaviors produced by it.

YouTube video for this episode:

My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States:

And they are also available around the world through Amazon.

If you would like to financially support my ministry, you can do so through the “Donate” button @

Or through any of the following financial apps:


CashApp: $Julioalvaradojr

Venmo: @Julioalvaradojr


Patreon Page:
JulioAlvarado Jr. Ministry