In this episode, I share knowledge concerning why the wisdom of God is personified as “she” and “her” in the Bible and its connection to acquiring faith directly from God within your mind.
Video of this episode:
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In this episode, I share my perspectives and experiences as to why most churches fail to teach their followers how to hear the voice of God within their minds just like Jesus experienced it as a human being.
An older video concerning this topic can be found on my Youtube channel:
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In this episode, I share knowledge concerning how I practice meditation and some of my experiences with God that I have had through meditation. And I also share some practical suggestions and techniques to help train your mind to experience the Spirit of God with your mind as a teaching Spirit for every facet of your life through the process of discernment.
Video of this episode:
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– I describe meditation from its functional application
– Lessons that I’ve learned from God through meditation
– Suggested processes concerning how to meditate
– What will hinder your experience
– Scriptural proof that you are inherently equipped
– 21 clues that you are hearing from God
Video of this episode:
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And they are also available around the world through Amazon.
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In this episode, I review some of the more important points from the first episode concerning discerning God’s voice and some additional thoughts concerning the process.
Video of this episode:
My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.
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In this episode, we begin the journey to experience the voice/thought process of God as the inner-Educator to help us sort out (discern) our thought processes for the purposes of becoming the best version of ourselves according to the will of God.
We begin this educative experience by understanding five Hebraic words for the word “discern” and their function in the discernment process of hearing and learning from the Spirit of God within your mind.
1. Bene = offspring (male and female) One who has the ability to discern because they are an extension of God by virtue of having a spirit. 2. Nakar = studying the origin of your thoughts. The mental work of discernment. 3. Yada = the process of acquiring knowledge and vision from God because of your inner relationship and connectivity with God. 4. Shama = a careful hearing as well as responding appropriately in obedience or action. To experience doctrine/teaching inwardly. The educative experience of discernment 5. Miphlas = the inner ability to judge good and evil like God. The crucial God feature of discernment.
And I also share a different view from a Judaic perspective concerning experiencing the serpent, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, and their role in the discernment process.
The video file for the episode:
My books are available through my website in paperback and digital formats with bundled discounts and free shipping within the United States: And they are also available around the world through Amazon.
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In this episode, I revisit Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is older he will not depart from it” and I share knowledge concerning its connection to Psalms 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin, my mother conceived me. Understanding the depth of these 2 verses gives clarity as to why from our youth, our minds have been conditioned to be disconnected from the inherent presence of the Spirit/Mind of God within our minds, which produces a spiritual learning disability and life-suffering/trauma. And also, why there is so much disorder, fear, uncertainty, evil, suffering in the Bible, and in the world today.
Video for this episode:
In this episode, we take a deeper look into Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he won’t depart from it.” In my former traditional religious experience, I was taught that this meant things like teach your children a Bible study; teach them the ways of life, or teach them to pray. But NEVER, to teach them about WHO and WHAT they are born with according to Psalms 139: 13
Once we discover the depth and reality of what Psalms 139:13 teaches. What we discover is that WHO that we are born with is the Spirit of God. And the WHAT that we are v=born with is an inner-learning environment within our minds that Jesus referred to as “the kingdom of God” where we can experience God as our primary life-Educator.
Once we discover the deeper meanings of these verses of Scripture through definitive word study. What we discover is that the “child” of Proverbs 22:6 is “You” and the “he” of this key verse is your spirit-man, God’s Spirit within you. This is the type of education that we ALL should have received when we were younger, that unfortunately many of our parents didn’t offer us. And the reason that they didn’t teach us concerning this inner-reality is that it wasn’t taught them either. Thus generational ignorance (iniquity) concerning this reality is continually transferred from one generation to another.
But the good news is that no matter where we are in our lives, we can become reacquainted with this life-changing education that we should have received when we were younger for the purpose of experiencing God within us a Fathering, guiding, and teaching Spirit. In future episodes, I look forward to sharing with you how this can take place.
Video of this episode:
This is the first episode of my new “God in You’ podcast. In this episode, I share my life and spiritual journey to understand who I am, the reasons I started this podcast, and why I share the type of knowledge that I share.
From its Greek and Hebrew perspectives, the word “repent” is most commonly known as metanoeo and nacham, which define it as “to think differently or to change your mind” and “to experience sorrow for an action,” respectively. These definitions line up with the majority of scriptural references regarding repentance and how most people understand the word repent.
Many people believe the act of asking God for forgiveness is part of the repenting process. Though one can ask God at any time for forgiveness, which may be a part of their repentance process, the core understanding of the word “repent” goes well beyond an expression of remorse or sorrow.
The question that needs to be answered in looking at these definitions are: “To what are we to change our minds? What are we supposed to think differently about?” In other words, what should our thought process be instead of the one we have that has caused us to feel sorrow for our actions?
The answer to these valid questions can be found in understanding the lesser-known Hebraic word for “repent” that has eluded traditional Christian teachings. This is the word shub, which is also referred to as shuv or shoov depending on the study resource.
In these cases, shub is defined as “to turn back to a previous state or place” and “a returning to one’s place of residence where one sits.” The “previous state or place” that this definition refers to is the origin of your existence in spirit form within the mind of God. This state is described in the following verses:
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jer. 1:5).
“He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4).
According to ancient Hebrew thought, another way to describe this type of repentance is “to destroy a way of thinking that has taken you captive in order to return to a place of thinking where freedom is present.”
We are taught to believe our lives begin at conception. From a biological perspective, this is true, yet this is not where our spirits first began their existence. In fact, at your natural birth, a process of captivity instinctively begins, in that it keeps you from having knowledge of your true origin.
When we are born in the natural realm, this is our second birth. Remember that pivotal statement Jesus made in His conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:1-8? According to the majority of Bible translations, Jesus stated, “You must be born again to enter [and see or experience] the kingdom of God.”
In some translations of the Bible, instead of the term “born again,” you will see “born anew” or “born from above.” The Accurate New Testament version of the Bible states it this way: “You must be birthed downward.” Some of the ancient Aramaic texts express it as, “You must return back to the place where you were first born!”
The term “born again” implies that you must have been birthed before. For anything to happen “again,” the same thing must have taken place before. Did Jesus indicate to Nicodemus that he must be born again in the flesh? This is what Nicodemus thought, but Jesus quickly ruled that out by saying, “What is born of the flesh is flesh and what has been born of spirit is a spirit” (Jn. 3:6).
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place [In the mind of God!] when I was woven together in the depths of the earth [within a mother’s womb]. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them” (Ps. 139:15-17, words in brackets added).
The Greek perspective of “loins” is the word osphus,which is defined as “an internal place of procreative power.” This same word from a Hebrew perspective is the word chalats, which is described as “the sense of strength, the seat of vigor, the mind, the interior self.” Your existence was first created and made within the interior, procreative, power structure of the mind of God.
“And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness”(Gen. 1:26a).
When God came up with the idea to make mankind, it first happened within the loins of His mind.
There are five scriptural references where God required the firstborn that came out of the womb to be separated as His. In each of these cases, instead of wombs, they were called matrixes (See Ex. 13:12, 14, 34:19; Num. 3:12, 18:15 KJV). Fundamentally, this is still God’s desire and requirement. Since you were originally born (firstborn) in Him, this is your original identity that He desires to see lived out.
A biblical example of this truth is found in the story of Jacob’s life and encounter with God, which is filled with profound insights. The highlights of Jacob’s story can be found in Genesis Chapter 25, verses 19-34. Jacob’s life began with his mother Rebekah being informed by God that she had two nations within her womb:
“And the LORD said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger’ “(Gen. 25:23 NKJV).
The firstborn son always had the birthright – special privileges from the father, which included a double portion of the estate as an inheritance. In other words, the favor of the father was always given to the firstborn son as a legal continuation of the family. This prohibited a father from playing favorites among his sons by trying to give the birthright to anyone other than the firstborn (See Deut. 21:15-17).
This is important because the same principle applies today. Every human was first conceived and birthed in the mind of God before the foundations of the world.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will” (Eph. 1:3-5 NKJV).
The mystery of God’s will in terms of the inheritance of spiritual blessings for our lives can only be revealed from the mouth of God.
“Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself” (Eph. 1:9 NKJV).
“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Eph. 1:11 NKJV).
Returning to the story of Jacob, you’ll remember that later in his life, he had a direct encounter with God, in which God changed his name to Israel. A major principle that we must capture from Jacob’s encounter with God is not that his name was changed from Jacob to Israel; the important thing is what these names mean. Jacob is defined as “a heel holder,” which is a description of what happened at his birth when he grabbed his twin brother’s heel [Gen. 25:26]. Israel is defined as “one who prevails with God.”
The significance of this event of Jacob grabbing the heel of his older brother parallelled another event when Jacob deceived his brother, Esau, out of his birthright [See Gen. 25:29-34]. In other words, this heel grabbing symbolizes the second born (your natural birth) hindering the walk and birthright of the firstborn (your spiritual origin and birth), which when experienced you also “prevail with God.”
When Jesus said, “Repent [shub], for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” the life-changing depth of what He was saying was that a person could achieve an inward relationship with God in the most intimate and personal level. Experiencing God inwardly is what gives life to the potential for us to bring to a reality Jesus’ precedent-setting statement: “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). To be perfect is to bring something to completion. If we understand the word “perfect” in this way, we see that Jesus is urging us to be brought to the end state for which we were created. This is only brought about through the discovery of the inner self that is contained within the kingdom of God that lies within every person.
As noted before, initially, every human being was conceived in the mind of God from before the foundations of the world were ever created (See Ps. 139:16; Eph. 1:3-4). When we are naturally born into this world, we are born without the awareness of the beginning of our existence. Fundamentally, we are born without an awareness of our original memory.
At its core understanding, the ultimate purpose of repent (shub) was to begin a process of introducing you to the mindset of God within your mind. Your sole purpose in life is to re-member or reacquaint yourself with the mind of God, within your mind so that God can reveal what Jesus called “mysteries” to you. This is your soul’s ultimate purpose!
It is the place where the mysteries of the kingdom are revealed to you, according to Jesus’ words:
“And He said to them, ‘To you, it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables'” (Mk. 4:11).
“And He said, ‘To you, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But to others, I speak in parables, so that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand’ “(Lk. 8:10).
From an Aramaic perspective, the words for repent and repentance are tab and toubo.They are described as acts that are required in order “to return to the place of your original existence.” The only way to understand this “original existence” or this “place” of origin is for God Himself to tell you about it.
It is a place of being where we have been before, but our natural mind has no recollection of it until our spirits connect with God’s Spirit to re-mind us of our original existence. It’s the place where your belief system is accurately re-paired and re-structured according to God’s original intention and design.
It is an inner system restoration that comes from the original Manufacturer of your life according to the original specifications for your life! This is where optimal performance now becomes possible! It’s the place where you discover the original hard drive for your life! Until then, you are operating on a bootlegged system.
This place of origin is where all other forms of knowledge are completely removed in order to get this level of knowledge. It’s the place where time stands still so that your future may be revealed to you. It’s the place where blessings are held in disguise until the mask of traditional religion is removed so that you may put on and experience the face or presence of the kingdom of God within you.
A process of repentance should not be limited to experiencing sorrow, misery, or shame but should be understood as the beginning of a process in which you return to where you originally came from, which is the mind of God within your mind. This is where you discover the wholeness and completeness of “the Real You” and “the Real God” so that you can thrive in both these understandings.
“The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9).
When Jesus said, “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” He was saying that now there is an original system of learning available, which is designed to govern your mind! It resides within the kingdom of God within you! It transcends traditional religious means. It’s a place that you need to seek out. To get to this level of “re-member-ance,” according to Jesus, you must “seek first the kingdom of God,” “for behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Matt. 6:33; Lk. 17:21).
This post contains excerpts from Chapter Four: Repent, and Chapter Five: You Must Be Born Again from my book The Mystery of the Kingdom of God Revealed.
In part two of this blog-post, we will explore the connection between the repentance process of John the Baptist’s pre-resurrection baptism and Peters’s post-resurrection baptism experience.